2019 Tradeshows for Navident

2019 Tradeshows for Navident

Navident’s 2019 tradeshow schedule has been published. You can view it here. More events will be added so be sure to check back. Visiting us at tradeshows is a great way to try Navident for yourself and to ask us any questions you might have about dynamic...
New Navident case presentation published

New Navident case presentation published

“Dynamic navigation by innovative registration” by Dr Ricardo Henriques, Portugal, is now available on the website. You can read it and other case studies here. The original publication can be found here.
New Navident Testimonials

New Navident Testimonials

The testimonial page has been updated with quotes from several leading doctors on how they value Trace and Place. You can view the testimonials here. “Trace and Place reduces exposure to radiation by eliminating additional scans, completely erases the presurgical...
Navident used in a pioneering facial prosthesis surgery

Navident used in a pioneering facial prosthesis surgery

Navident helped a very unfortunate patient to, hopefully, regain some freedom and dignity in a world first surgery at Sunnybrook Hospital   New surgical navigation system may help improve use of life-like facial prosthetics April 11, 2018 by Alexis Dobranowski...